Pipe Beveling Machine
What is pipe beveling?
Pipe beveling is the process where an angle is formed between the edge of the end of a pipe or tube and a plane perpendicular to the surface. A standard pipe bevel angle for welding is 37.5 degrees. Other angles and special forms such as J-Bevels can also be produced on the ends of pipe or tube using automatic pipe bevelling machines
Why bevel a pipe?
Bevelling of pipe or tubing is most commonly used to prepare the ends for welding. It can also be used for deburring the cut ends for safety and aesthetic reasons.
Lightweight, dependable and easy to use, they are perfect for welding preparations without any heat-affected zones. The machines are equipped with tool-holder plates capable of carrying several tool-holders, which enables them to carry out welding preparation operations with a perfect land, an appropriate counterbore wherever necessary and a bevel as required. Their robust design also makes them perfectly suitable for machining thick-walled pipes.

Why we need to automized pipe bevelling?
• Save time – stationary pipe bevelling machines are many times faster than other methods such as hand grinding, flame cutting, hand held bevelers, or loading into a lathe.
• No more dirty operations such as hand grinding or torching.
• Consistent accurate pipe bevels each time, will face the end of the pipe square and bevel or deburr ID as needed.
• Cycle time normally in the 5 to 20 second range depending on size
• Eliminates ergonomic issues from operator handling hand tools
• Safer than hand grinding or torching, all chips are contained within the machine.
• Low operating cost, uses mostly industry standard carbide tooling
• Easily bevels stainless and materials not suitable for torching.
• Special forms such as J-bevels are easily produced.
• Can be operated by a non-skilled operator once setup.